Do not use medical claims in product sharing

April 23, 2021

Since the outbreak of the New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), the general public's demand for nutritional supplements has increased significantly, and the inquiries about the Nu Skin business has also increased. Although environmental changes have brought business opportunities, if you use medical claims in products sharing, you will not only be subject to disciplinary action by Nu Skin for violating the Nu Skin's Policies and Procedures, but you may also be heavily fined for violating the Trade Descriptions Ordinance, the Bad Advertising (Medicine) Ordinance laws. As a result, your hard work may be in vain. If the case is severe, it may even arouse media attention, which will seriously affect the reputation of Nu Skin and its Brand Affiliates. In order to safeguard the business environment in which everyone can develop their careers steadily in the long run, please remember Nu Skin products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Thus, please do not make any disease or medical claims.


Nu Skin products are well known for their excellent efficacy, but afterall nutritional supplements are not medicine. Therefore, when introducing products, remember not to relate any disease or medical claims to avoid violating laws and Nu Skin’s Policies and Procedures. In severe cases, not only the violator will be punished, but the Nu Skin’s reputation will also be tarnished. Therefore, we must be cautious!