Guide for Usage and Adverse Response
Nu Skin uses the highest quality ingredients in the formulation of its products, which are tested and retested to ensure that they safely and gently deliver expected benefits to the majority of skin types. Occasionally a customer using a Nu Skin product may find that his or her skin has an adverse response (redness, itching, breakouts, etc.). If this happens, it is important to review your usage of the product, product directions, and your individual skin sensitivities.
Safety-Allergy-Dermatologist Tested
Every Nu Skin product undergoes independent dermatological testing, including RIPT (repeat insult patch testing) on human volunteers. In RIPT, a small amount of product is applied to the skin of each individual and monitored for its effect. Over a certain interval of time, the skin is observed, graded, and tested again—at least 10 trials per product per individual. Through this process, Nu Skin works to ensure that its products are gentle and safe for the majority of skin types. A product only earns the label "Safety-allergy-dermatologist tested" when it passes this test.
Determining Skin Sensitivity
Because everyone is slightly different, no product can be tested for every possible skin type or sensitivity. Some adverse responses may be caused by interactions with medications or other products. You may already be aware of certain allergies that you have or of a tendency to dryness or breakouts. If you have known allergies, you should carefully check the product's ingredient label and avoid any product containing those ingredients you're allergic to. If you have ever had an adverse reaction to skin care products or if you have a known sensitivity, we recommend that you test the product on a small patch of your skin (usually on the underside of your arm) before applying it on your face or body.
Choosing the Right Product
Over the years, the majority of adverse responses occur because products were used incorrectly or were matched with the wrong skin type. All Nu Skin products come with usage directions as well as recommendations for which products may complement any skin regimen. Many products are formulated specifically for either normal to dry or combination to oily skin. (If you do not know your skin type, please refer to the Individualized Daily Skin Care Guide in the front of the catalog.) For many people, choosing the best product for your skin type and following the usage directions will ensure satisfaction and a positive experience with Nu Skin products.
Building Products into Your Skin Care Regimen
Various Nu Skin products are formulated to be used together to create the best overall skin quality. Usage guidelines are based on Nu Skin's testing and observations. Many adverse responses reported to Nu Skin are a direct result of misuse (i.e. using too many products at one time, using a product too frequently, or using incompatible products) and can be avoided by using the products correctly. For example, using multiple moisturizers may indeed cause a breakout because the skin may not be able to absorb such an abundance of moisturization. Certain products designed for exfoliation may not be compatible with other masks or exfoliates. For example, Nu Skin 180 is not recommended with the use of additional mask or exfoliation products. In general, exfoliating too often may cause an adverse reaction.
Allowing Time for Skin Acclimatization
For some people, introducing a new product into your regimen may require a short period of acclimatization during which time your skin will adjust. Acne breakouts, which are distinct from rashes, redness, or itchiness, may be a symptom of this adjustment. If you are adding multiple products to your skin care routine, you may want to add them at intervals, giving the skin time to adjust to each one. This adaptation period is temporary and will pass, but if breakouts occur for more than two weeks, you should contact Nu Skin Product Support at 1-800-487-1000.
Deciphering an Adverse Response or Allergic Reaction
Each person is unique, and each has certain sensitivities. If you experience an adverse response, you may have an individual sensitivity to an ingredient in a product. This sensitivity may make you prone to an allergic reaction or to increased irritation when using products incorrectly.
Although research demonstrates some basic characteristics of allergies, less is known about exactly why certain people have allergies or why certain substances affect certain people and not others. If a person is allergic to a particular ingredient in a skin care product, the defense mechanisms of the body trigger the production of histamines when the skin comes in contact with that substance. In some instances, your body could develop new antibodies to something you have been using for years. The histamines cause a physical reaction, often in the form of redness, rash, itching, and swelling within hours or days.
A rash is different from an acne breakout in that a rash is characterized by red bumps with tiny white pustules that may itch or ooze.
Sometimes skin may experience irritation that is not necessarily an allergic reaction. Again, this skin irritation, which may be evident in the form of an acne breakout or redness, can mean that the skin is adapting to the new product or that the product is being misused or combined with an incompatible product.
Eliminating the Adverse Response
In spite of Nu Skin's thorough research and testing, a small percentage of individuals with unique sensitivities may experience adverse responses to a Nu Skin product. To deal with any of these kinds of responses, the following guidelines may be helpful:
- Discontinue use of the product(s).
- Continue using mild, basic cleansing, toning, and moisturizing products and postpone the use of masks, scrubs, and treatment products.
- Read usage directions to verify that you are using the right amount at the right intervals (i.e., daily or weekly).
- Consult product information to avoid combining products that may cause irritation.
- Test the product in question on a patch of skin, perhaps on the underside of the arm to determine if your skin has a unique sensitivity to it.
- If symptoms subside, reintroduce one product every 3 to 4 days.
- Most responses will subside within 3 to 4 days. However, if symptoms do not subside, discontinue use of all products and allow the skin to recover fully from any adverse effects. You may then want to add one product every 3 to 4 days, which may allow the skin to gradually adjust to the products. It may also allow you to pinpoint the product or other factor causing irritation.
Nu Skin tests to ensure that products are safe and effective for the majority of skin types. Even ingredients that are beneficial to most skin care users may be incompatible with individual sensitivities. In rare cases, products (or a combination of products) may elicit skin irritation or an adverse response. Following Nu Skin usage recommendations and being alert to your own skin sensitivities and allergies will reduce chances of adverse reactions.