How to stay motivated while working from home
The thought of working from home looks pretty great when you think about your work attire becoming your pyjamas, your office chair becoming your couch and your commute to work no longer existing. This is what everyone dreams of, however the reality is that we need structure and routine in order to get into our usual work groove. Many of us are currently working from home and facing the numerous distractions and struggles of lazing around and not being as productive as in an office environment.
Check out our tips to help boost your motivation and productivity. Also hear from a number of our top leaders on their tips and tricks on how they achieve success from the comforts of their own home.
1. Make a home office: It is important that you create a space at home where you feel comfortable. Make sure the room is bright and cheerful and you have all the equipment you need within easy reach. Don’t clutter your workspace, keep it organised and tidy.
2. Wakeup early: It is important that you are in a good routine when working from home. Wake up early and set a specific time to wake up every day. This is ideal as it allows you to fit more activities into your daily schedule.
3.Get dressed for work: While wearing your comfiest clothes is tempting when you’re working from home it isn’t great for productivity. When you wear nice clothing, even at your home office you feel better about yourself and are more productive.

4. Set goals: It is important to set goals when working from home. Having a detailed plan and steps to achieving your goals is a great motivator, which helps you prioritise your tasks and remain productive throughout the day.
5. Exercise: Working from home provides you with the flexibility to schedule activities during your workday that you wouldn’t normally be able to do in a traditional office. Exercise gives you a boost of energy which is incredibly important for productivity and motivation.
6. Don’t overwork: In the office your day is broken up by everything from meetings, to coffee chats, lunch breaks and even toilet breaks, but when you are sitting at home on your own with no face-to-face interaction it can be easy to just work for long, unbroken periods. Make sure you take breaks and end your day on time, so you don’t burn out.
Here are some tips from our leaders:
Pauline Trewman- Blue Diamond:
1. Always make a checklist the night before of what you need to get done and then go through it ticking the items off throughout the day.
2. Always get dressed into work clothes and do your hair and face ready for work. Never work in your pj's as you won’t be as productive. Many of us are currently working from home and facing the numerous distractions and struggles of lazing around and not being as productive as in an office environment.
Ange MacDonald- Emerald Director:
Use Sunday evenings to map your week out ahead, scheduling in priorities, personal time and family time. This will keep you on track, moving you forward to achieve your goals and you will feel balanced in all areas of your life. Keeping a daily routine is really important. For me waking up early to exercise sets the scene for a successful day ahead.
Nancy Yi- Blue Diamond:
Basically, I follow my daily checklist. It helps me keep track of daily tasks. Also, I use online tools to closely communicate with my customers and my team. We regularly use learning programs such as Video conference and Zoom meetings. It is a difficult time, but it is a good time for our business, it is easier to contact people because they are all at home now, they have time to chat, to listen. So, keep talking, keep moving, keep sharing.
Thu Hien Nguyen- Gold Partner:
Make a clear ‘to-do list’ for the day is my advice, especially when you have kids around. This absolutely helps to balance working time and family time, also by having a to do list, you won’t be distracted by things you don’t plan to do. I always dress up properly with light make up when I work at home to be more productive and feel professional!
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