


The patented Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner is a cutting edge testing tool that non-invasively measures carotenoid levels in living tissue, providing an immediate indication of a person's overall antioxidant levels. Everyone can instantly know their own antioxidant status. This empowers individuals to make improvements to their diet and lifestyle, and helps them make an informed decision on which supplements are properly formulated to impact their antioxidant health.



The Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner is the world's first measuring tool that gives you a Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS)—immediate evidence of carotenoid antioxidant activity in your body. By placing the palm of your hand in front of the scanner's safe, low-energy blue light, within seconds you will obtain a reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin—your Skin Carotenoid Scores (SCS)—which has been scientifically correlated to overall antioxidant status.


The technology of the Pharmanex® BioPhotonic Scanner is based on an optical method known as Resonant Raman Spectroscopy, which has been used for many years in research laboratories.


The Scanner measures carotenoid levels in human tissue at the skin surface using optical signals. These signals identify the unique molecular structure of carotenoids, allowing their measurement without interference by other molecular substances and providing the person being measured with their own SCS.


In less than one minute you can find out if your diet, lifestyle and supplements provide the antioxidant protection you need for promoting health.



The Scanner technology works on the principle of light and the fundamental particle of light is a photon.


White light has photons of different wavelengths, which are represented by colors.

The Scanner produces a narrow beam of light in which all of the photos are the same color-blue.

The blue light has a wavelength of 478 nanometers (nm). 

When a 478 nm photon of light comes into contact with a carotenoid, something interesting happens. 

The energy level of a 478 nm photon becomes excited to 518 nm, the wavelength associated with green light. The only molecule in nature that can shift a 478 nm photo to a 518 nm photon is a carotenoid.


As 478 nm photons strike carotenoids in the skin, they are reflected back as 518 nm photons. This is how the carotenoid concentration in your skin is measured. Because the number of photons reflected at the
518 nm wavelength is proportional to the concentration of carotenoids in the skin, these green photons are then counted to calculate the individuals SCS.








如沛补充营养素和 g3退款保证

利用扫描器测量你的皮肤类胡萝卜素指数,服用 60 天的 如沛补充营养素或 g3,然后再次测量你的指数。你可借此验证华茂生技营养补充品能否提高你的类胡萝卜素水平和改善整体抗氧化程度。事实上,只要你按照如沛补充营养素或 g3 的指引定期服用补充剂,华茂生技可保证你的皮肤类胡萝卜素指数将会上升。