What is CoQ10? ​ 


Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone or CoQ10,

is a vitamin-like lipid-soluble substance naturally occurs in the body.

CoQ10 is present in all cell nuclei and is most abundant in the cells of organs that require a lot of energy production, such as the heart and brain.


CoQ10 levels in the body peak at around age 20 and decline by as much as 65% by age 80.

Because of CoQ10’s role in energy production,

some major organs may lose function at just a 25% decline in CoQ10 levels.

Therefore, we need supplemental CoQ10 to support the body's basic, normal biological processes.


Should you be taking CoQ10?


CoQ10 supports energy production in the body,

which strengthens the heart muscle function and cardiac output. 

Hence, to promote cardiovascular health. 

Meanwhile, age-related decline in CoQ10 levels may lead to memory loss and affect cognitive health.




It is necessary for us to supplement CoQ10 no matter whether you are elderly,

a youngster, or you are concerned about cardiovascular health and brain health.




Helps Recharge your Energy 


NanoCoQ10® is the essential coenzyme catalyst to produce ATP that fuels energy.

It contains CoQ10 and Vitamin E that can support body energy production and

provide strong antioxidant function. 




Nanotechnology improves

CoQ10 bioavailability up to 7 times 



CoQ10 is an oil and, therefore, is limited in its dispersion in an aqueous environment,

like the digestive tract. Cyclodextrin has a hydrophobic inner core and a hydrophilic outside portion.

To wrap every single molecule of CoQ10 in an individual microcapsule with a hydrophilic exterior,

there is complete molecular dispersion of the CoQ10.

The “nano-ize” CoQ10 surface is maximized, which makes them up to 7 times more bioavailable than other forms of CoQ10.




Key Ingredients to Maintain Vitality:

Coenzyme Q10 & Vitamin E


One Step Further:

Take Omega-3 to promote

Cardiovascular Health


Fish oil can be extracted from the oil of deep-sea fish, such as mackerel, herring,

salmon, tuna, sardines, and others. They contain rich Omega-3, including EPA and DHA. 

Studies have shown that taking fish oil can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.1

In addition, taking fish oil daily can reduce blood pressure and triglycerides.2


CoQ10 + Omega-3  Level Up Your Health  



Optimum Omega® supports your cardiovascular health


Nano CoQ10®​ Landing

•  Provides a high concentration Omega-3 fatty acids - EPA & DHA


•  Promotes 

cardiovascular & skin health


•  Supports 

joint function & mobility


•  Promotes a healthy immune response

Nano CoQ10®​ Landing

•  Contains deodorized garlic to provide antioxidants and extra cardiovascular benefits



•  The pure fish oil is extracted from fish harvested from pristine marine waters


•  Free of harmful level of toxins, pollutants and heavy metals to ensure the safety of nutrient intake


  1. Kris-Etherton PM et al., Circulation 2002; 106: 2747-2757.
  2. Schmidt EB et al., Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1992; 52: 221-228.