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ageLOC® LumiSpa® iO

Sku: 01002272

The key to finally unlocking the skin of your dreams is here. With ageLOC® LumiSpa® iO, you’ll love your glow-boosting, instantly smoothed look, the seven clinically proven skin benefits, and smart IoT technology that helps you personalize your routine.

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Input innovative skin renewal and deep cleansing powered by intelligent coaching, personalized regimens, smart IoT technology, and more. Output gorgeous, glowing skin. ageLOC LumiSpa iO works with its specially designed treatment cleansers to cleanse away dirt, oil, makeup, pollutants, and toxins through its patented Micropulse Oscillating technology and pore-purifying action, without disrupting your skin’s delicate microbiome. It’s super-smart skincare for superpowered results.

  • Instantly softer and smoother skin after one use

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What’s included
  • ageLOC LumiSpa iO
  • ageLOC LumiSpa iO Magnetic Charger
  • ageLOC LumiSpa iO Normal Treatment Head
    Moisten your face and then dispense an ample amount of ageLOC LumiSpa Treatment Cleanser onto your hand.
    Apply evenly to your face and then treat and cleanse with your LumiSpa iO device for two minutes.
    Follow with your preferred toner, serum, and moisturizer.
    For your best results, be sure to track your usage with our connected Nu Skin Vera App.


  • Use ageLOC LumiSpa iO morning and night as your cleansing step.
ffg-rechargeable battery
Designed with a rechargeable battery, increasing the longevity of the device. Please check your local device recycling capabilities and recycle where possible.

As part of our efforts to be a Force for Good in the world, Nu Skin is working to improve the environmental and social impact of our products—both inside and out!

    ageLOC LumiSpa iO 的柔軟矽膠護膚導頭以及專有微脈衝振盪技術,可以讓儀器以促進肌膚煥新的精確頻率移動,一次使用即可給您更光滑柔軟的肌膚。同時透過其專利反向轉動與潔淨毛孔的動作,輕柔卻深層地清除髒汙、油脂、彩妝與毒素,讓肌膚看起來更加光滑純淨,同時減少表面毛孔。
    1. ageLOC LumiSpa iO 不同於目前市面上的清潔儀器具有磨蝕性刷頭或刷毛頭,而具有柔軟且更衛生的矽膠護膚導頭,不會傷害肌膚。 2. ageLOC LumiSpa iO 具有微脈衝振盪技術,可以刺激、護理與清潔肌膚,促進更高效的肌膚煥新功效。 3. ageLOC LumiSpa iO 是一種具有雙重作用的省時儀器,可同時提供卓越的美膚護理與深層清潔功效。 4. ageLOC LumiSpa iO 可以與 Nu Skin Vera® 應用程式連線,用個人化護理、智能指導、獎勵以及自拍時間線等 來最佳化您的護膚旅程。
    物聯網意指「連接物件的網路」,或目的在於連接的實體物件。對您來說意味著 ageLOC LumiSpa iO 現在有了藍牙連線能力,可以讓儀器連接到您手機上的 Nu Skin Vera® 應用程式。這項技術打開了眾多全新的可能性與體驗。這就是讓您的 ageLOC LumiSpa iO 如此聰明的原因。應用程式會提醒您何時該替換護膚導頭,或是在護膚程序期間,當您施加過多壓力或太大力摩擦時,也會出現提醒。您也可以在儀器與 Nu Skin Vera 之間儲存個人化的護膚程序。您可以把它當成是美膚程序的最佳形式。
    You’ll still enjoy all of ageLOC LumiSpa iO’s great skin-beautifying benefits if you don’t connect. However, to get the most out of your device, you won’t want to miss out on all the fantastic Nu Skin Vera features created exclusively for you, including smart tracking, custom routines, usage prompts, and creating your own Selfie Timeline.
    若要開始配對,請從您偏好的應用程式商店下載 Nu Skin Vera 應用程式,並在手機上開啟應用程式。在登入 Nu Skin 帳戶之後,請前往「產品」(Products) 分頁,點選「我的產品」(My Products) 頁面上的 + 號按鈕,選取「配對新儀器」(Pair New Device)。應用程式會引導您進行配對。
    Yes. ageLOC LumiSpa iO is a smart facial cleansing device designed for use in the shower and other wet environments. To prolong the life of your device, do not drop the device, wash with high-pressure jets, or submerge the device in water for extended periods of time.
    根據您的膚質與護理需求選擇 ageLOC LumiSpa iO 護膚導頭。每個護膚導頭都能移除雜質並有助於淨化肌膚,給您適合各種膚質的溫和體驗。柔嫩護膚導頭是最輕柔的選擇,最適合敏感性或痘痘肌膚。基礎護膚導頭是標準選擇,設計適用於大多數膚質。而強效護膚導頭則適用於想要強力體驗的使用者,但是不建議敏感性或痘痘肌使用。您可以每天使用不同導頭,獲得不同體驗。ageLOC LumiSpa iO 睛緻修護新動組護膚導頭是 LumiSpa iO 睛緻修護新動組系統的一部份,為專為眼周肌膚設計。
    ageLOC LumiSpa treatment cleansers are specifically formulated for use with the ageLOC LumiSpa iO device. They enable the precise cushioning, cleansing, and interaction with the skin, optimizing the effectiveness of LumiSpa iO’s proprietary treatment head action. They are the only formulations tested and approved for use with LumiSpa iO to deliver the full system benefits of Micropulse Oscillation Technology and promote healthy, youthful-looking skin.
    We specifically developed the treatment cleansers to use with ageLOC LumiSpa iO. They’re designed to work synergistically with the oscillating motion of the heads to optimize distribution of anti-aging ingredients onto the skin while cleansing and exfoliating to promote healthy, youthful-looking skin.
    As responsible stewards of our planet, we have proudly designed ageLOC LumiSpa iO with a rechargeable battery and to be more water resistant, increasing the longevity of the device. Please check your local device recycling capabilities and recycle where possible. By purchasing ageLOC LumiSpa iO, you’re joining us in taking an active stride to ensure the future is bright for both the planet and each of us. Please visit www.nuskin.com/sustainability for more information and details on how to recycle.v
  • **The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by NSE Products, Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
  • Source Euromonitor International Limited; Retail Value RSP terms; all channels; 2017 to 2022. Beauty Systems are at-home Skin Care Beauty Devices that are exclusively paired or recommended to be used with a topical consumable of the same brand. Claim verification based on Euromonitor custom research and methodology conducted April -June of 2023. Sales of at-home beauty devices includes sales of electric facial cleansers as defined in Passport database. This category does not include hair care/removal appliances, body shavers, and oral care appliances.
  • *All claims and benefits come from use with an ageLOC LumiSpa Treatment Cleanser.