Ste stále tu?


Amanda Berggren


My journey with Nu Skin has equally been a journey of self-discovery. I wasn’t quite able to find my path but when I was introduced to Nu Skin’s amazing products and business opportunity, I knew this was the right path for me. Today, I know that my gut feeling was right. I’m able to work around my schedule. My biggest passion is travelling, and I love that I can take my NS business with me wherever I go.


Other than the way my life has changed professionally, this opportunity has also helped me evolve so much as a person. Small things that I thought made me uncomfortable before now come so much easier to me thanks to the personal development! One thing I really didn’t like before was talking on the phone, especially when it came to calling people I don’t know. This is something I don’t have a problem with at all today. My self-confidence is higher, I’ve learned to challenge myself to go outside my comfort zone. Overall, I’ve realized that I can do more than I even thought I was capable of.


And the best part? Working with Nu Skin makes me feel like a student of life every day and I love it! I’ve learned that I can do whatever I commit to thanks to the amazing community and uplifting culture here. Working with so many different people here also made me realise that it’s an empty pursuit trying to change other people. You can only change the way you meet them, treat them and you can inspire them to make a change by showing the way and lead by example. Every person has a story worth telling. And with time, effort, and commitment you can be closer to reaching your full potential and your goals. Another important learning is that we have two ears for a reason – to listen more than we talk.


The skills I have acquired during my time here have also helped me improve other areas of my life. For example, I’ve learned how to prioritize my time even better to focus more on my health. Other than that, I’m also working on being in the present, being grateful for where I am right now and not wanting to change things all the time. After all, the present moment is all we have, and it will never come back.


My long-term goal is to help more and more people in my team reach their goals! I’m also working towards being a part of Team Elite and getting the opportunity to attend more success trips. I love that alongside these goals, I also get the opportunity to inspire change thanks to our Force for Good initiatives. I love the life I have created; it makes me feel fulfilled and excited every step of the way!

October 2021


*Generating sales compensation as a Brand Affiliate requires considerable time, effort and dedication. Success will also depend upon your skills, talents and leadership abilities. This is not a get rich quick program. There is no guarantee of financial success and results will vary widely among participants. A complete summary of earnings at each level in the Sales Performance Plan can be found at