Itt vagy még?


We are Gernot and Seref and live together in our absolute dream city, beautiful Vienna. We met and fell in love in 2009. In the past, we had never thought about starting a business together.


We were both successful in our professions at that time. I worked as a dance and Zumba instructor, while Gernot had the classic 9-to-5 job in marketing and PR at a large broadcasting and infrastructure company. 


Because of our different professions and working hours - as a dance instructor you work mainly in the evenings and often on weekends - our time together was very limited. Although we lived together, we often only saw each other on weekends.  It’s not that we were unhappy at the time, we were just not happy with the fact that we had such little time together. And we also did not see how we could change that.


Through Gernot`s sister we became aware of the products of Nu Skin a little more than three years ago. Very spontaneously we decided, more as a hobby, to start the business together, without really having a goal or thinking about the possibilities that this business offers. We just found the products interesting and saw it as an opportunity to do something together that we both enjoy and to help people feel better in their skin.


Quite quickly though, we realized what the Nu Skin business could offer us. So we tapped into our passion for the products and continuously spent more time and energy to build a stable and satisfied customer base and business.


Today, we can say that we not only have more time together, but we also feel content in our decision to start a business together. Our Nu Skin business has become our absolute passion and therefore simply feel like work to us because even though we work hard, it is also fun and fulfilling.


We get to help other people and help them achieve their goals themselves. Seeing our business partners achieve their goals with the same passion and growing together as a team and living a positive life motivates us every day.



March 2021


"Generating meaningful compensation as a Brand Affiliate requires considerable time, effort, and commitment. This is not a get rich quick program, there are no guarantees of financial success and results will vary widely among participants. A complete summary of earnings at each level in the Sales Performance Plan can be found here under ”2018 EMEA Brand Affiliate Compensation Summary"

*Nu Skin is a for-profit distributor of nutritional and skin care products and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NUS). Nourish the Children is an initiative of Nu Skin and is registered in some states as a commercial co-venture. The initiative enables Nu Skin’s sales force and customers to purchase VitaMeal from Nu Skin and donate it to charitable organizations to help solve the complex world problem of feeding malnourished children. The price of VitaMeal includes the cost of manufacturing, general overhead, distribution and sales. As is the case with other Nu Skin products, our sales force receive compensation and Nu Skin earns a profit margin from the sale of VitaMeal.