Are you still there?


Mariola Agujetas


I was born in Madrid 46 years ago, but I’ve been a Sevillian at heart for more than half my life, ‘Nu-Skinian’ for eight years. Looking back, I’ve worn many hats – journalist, photographer, and now a network marketing professional. I owe the last one to destiny. If the word ‘objection’ had a picture in the dictionary, it would be mine. I didn’t know the first thing about setting up a business, nor did I come from an entrepreneurial background. As a matter of fact, being an entrepreneur was the furthest thing from my imagination. I thought I had my life “sorted out” – which, if you think about it, is a notion that clips your wings.


I  spent fifteen years working at the EFE Agency. The first few years as a sports radio journalist. Between goals and fouls, I felt adrenaline in its purest form in the mixed zone of the Olympic Stadium in Athens. Feeling the Olympic Spirit was an unforgettable experience. The best talents from all over the world, competing against each other. Four years of silent hard work, put to the test in a matter of seconds, while the whole world is watching. You win or you fail and continue preparing for another four years for the next goal. Does this ring a bell?


My next goal, after the 2004 Athens Olympics, was to cover – microphone in hand – the Beijing games. But a setback completely changed the course. At this point in my life, I had realised that everything happens for a reason. But I could not have guessed back then that being a part of the EFE management and meeting the marketing director, Sandra López would lead me here.


I always say that after getting to know Nu Skin, I joined because of ageLOC – our proprietary approach to anti-ageing. But in all honesty, it was because of Sandra. I would never have dared to embark on this adventure by myself. I feel it’s important to know who are the people that really matter in life and hold on to them – it’s a skill that I’ve mastered over the years.  I didn’t have enough knowledge at the start but eventually I found my own path and made mistakes along the way –  a couple of them. But every time I fell, I chose to get right back up. And I’m still at it – falling and getting up, but never stopping. Isn’t this what life is all about, after all? And, without taking away an iota of importance and value from Nu Skin, the platform, the patents, the support, the profits, the philosophy of rewarding real effort, working with “Mexico lindo”, VitaMeal, so many things… the real treasure that I have found in this business is the people. I didn't go join Nu Skin thinking I’ll make friends, but I ended up finding some of the best people and continue to do so.  I have Nu Skin to thank for making me meet my “twin brother”, Pablo Troya. He is one of the reasons I am where I am today.


Human value is the upward dividend at Nu Skin. So many of you here don’t realise how much you inspire me every day and not just talking uplines, but also cross lines, and especially the enthusiasm and energy that newcomers bring in. When I hear certain people speak, I immediately think the project is theirs. It is like magic. I know my role is to simply accompany and nudge them in the right direction. Helping others is the greatest satisfaction and motivation that Nu Skin continues to give me every day. 


I always say this – dreaming is free, goals are not! That is the one thing we have to be clear about and understand the rules of the game. You must love the goal and respect the path, and every day, be proud of each little step that brings you closer to it. In the long run, this business has the soul of a marathon and on a day-to-day basis, the strategy of a 1500-metre run. Constancy, intensity, consistency, and speed.


July 2021


"Generating meaningful compensation as a Brand Affiliate requires considerable time, effort, and commitment. This is not a get rich quick program, there are no guarantees of financial success and results will vary widely among participants. A complete summary of earnings at each level in the Sales Performance Plan can be found here under ”2018 EMEA Brand Affiliate Compensation Summary"

*Nu Skin is a for-profit distributor of nutritional and skin care products and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NUS). Nourish the Children is an initiative of Nu Skin and is registered in some states as a commercial co-venture. The initiative enables Nu Skin’s sales force and customers to purchase VitaMeal from Nu Skin and donate it to charitable organizations to help solve the complex world problem of feeding malnourished children. The price of VitaMeal includes the cost of manufacturing, general overhead, distribution and sales. As is the case with other Nu Skin products, our sales force receive compensation and Nu Skin earns a profit margin from the sale of VitaMeal.