




Diamond Executive



Efi Fang is just like other parents who harbor great hopes and will sacrifice all they can for their children. However, she only really dared to dream for her sons after her own life was transformed by the Nu Skin business.


As a mother, entrepreneur and sole breadwinner, Efi was a completely different person before Nu Skin. She felt stagnant with no hopes or dreams. Her life lacked focus – she had tried different occupations ranging from being an air stewardess, owning a restaurant, to managing her own business. Somehow either the fit was not right, or the businesses were not successful.


“As a single mother with two children, I work hard mainly to provide for my family. I had no vision or dreams. All I did is work, work and work some more. I was impatient, hot-tempered and stressed out.”


As a single parent, Efi juggles a lot all by herself – tend to the needs of her boys, prepare them for school, and manage her business to provide for the family.


With Nu Skin, Efi’s health and outlook took a dramatic about-turn. She slimmed down, looks far younger than before, and now has a far more positive outlook on life. Above all, she has started to dream.

" Now I dare to dream and believe that I can achieve all my goals"


“I now dare to dream and believe that I can achieve all my goals. I have belief in myself to fulfill my children’s dreams and hopes. Nu Skin business has taught me that I can be whatever I want to be as long as we believe in ourselves.”


Her family’s lives have also improved. Besides improved health, her sons have learned from her example that setting goals is the first step to achieving dreams. Efi had aimed to became a Ruby Executive, so as to go on the Nu Skin incentive trip to Japan, and this experience positively impacted her sons.


Her older son used to be very rowdy at school. Since he aimed to do well at school this year, Efi has not heard any negative comments from his teacher about poor behavior at school. Her younger son aimed to learn to read by year-end. The motivation to succeed resulted in him achieving his goal within a month.


“More than anything, I want to support my children with examples and real life experiences. Money and material things will go away, but being a witness to my own experiences will stay with them for the rest of their life. Actions speak louder than words.”