“Force For Good Month” Creates Smiles For People In Need

September 30, 2020

During the "Force For Good Month", Nu Skin organizes different charity events around the world every year to encourage people around to be a force for good. This year, "Force For Good Month" is more meaningful as it comes across the Serve-a-thon and Mid-Autumn Festival. Nu Skin Volunteer Team joined hands with HandsOn and Tung Tak School to pack the Care Bags and distribute to the underprivileged elders in the community.


Group photo

Nu Skin Volunteer Team worked hard to pack the Care Bags, hoping that elders would not worry about the shortage of supplies during the outbreak of Covid-19.


Nu Skin Volunteer Team gave each student from Tung Tak School a gift box of mooncakes, and visited Yuen Long Caritas District Elderly Centre (Tin Chak Centre) together. Students had further donated some of their mooncakes to the elders, to share the happiness & blessings.
