From Last Year to Today, we still work on the donated clothes

June 10, 2016

What were you busy doing in June last year?


I don’t know if you were busy pursuing your dream, or enjoying a summer journey; or  feeling lost in anxiety or full of energy and hope.


The only thing I know that 1,509 members in our big family had opened the door of their wardrobes during the  weekend afternoon, packing their unused cloths and brought them to NU SKIN, joining the Force for Good activity. In 2015, 21,266 donations were made from the Greater China. Where have they been now?

90% of the new clothes are being resold through our partnership, the Salvation Army in Hong Kong,  Eden Social Welfare Foundation in Taiwan and buy 42 in mainland China,. After the sorting and selection, size measurement, and description-adding by our disabled partners, 70% of them on the shelf have been sold successfully. The net income would all be used to support the underprivileged to find a dignity job. The remaining clothes will be donated to some districts in need through charity groups such as Green Initiatives and Futian Environmental Group or undergone recycling. According to the formula provided by our charity partners, Force for Good conducted by NU SKIN in 2015 has remarkably presented a positive influence to the society.

*Hearing impaired staff are sorting and packing the donated clothes as above

*The donated clothes were being transferred to the needy districts in Western part of China through Futian Environmental Group as above


Force for Good has already kicked off. Not only should we keep doing goods, but also discover the best you on the way and keep excelling yourselves. How to discover the better you? Let me share with you some secrets!

Secret 1: Action speaks louder than words
Don’t just wait and look! Get your clothes prepared! Donation boxes are waiting for you right at the NU SKIN showcases.

Secret 2: Practise what you preach

Not only we need to do the right things, but also do the things right. Remember: Keep your clothes clean and tidy with no damage. Separate your new and old clothes. Donation is not like throwing garbages. Select them carefully and pick those which are appropriate for donation or charity bazaar to our showcases.

Please click here for more details about donation

Secret 3: Share your happiness

Don’t keep the function in secret! It is always happy to share the good and meaningful things. Please spread the Force for Good and let more people experience this happiness. Simply by sharing your Captured screen after you finished your donation. Happiness is just that easy! Believe that benevolence is contagious. Sharing could make it more powerful.

Let’s work hand in hand to make the world better. Do not hesitate and we are waiting for you at NU SKIN!