“superhero Dream Program 2018”
Kick-off Ceremony
Pursuing Dream With Diversity Under The Same Sky

August 31, 2018


There are no boundaries for inclusion and pursuit of dream.

For the 4th consecutive years, Nu Skin fully supports “SuperHero Dream Program 2018”, with the aim to encourage children, the youths and people of differences to realize their potential and pursue their dreams.  The kick-off ceremony was successfully held on the 9th August (Thursday) and Prof. Alfred Chan Cheung Ming, SBS, JP, the Chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission, was invited to be the guest of honor.  Few previous awardees and dream mentors performed and shared their dream stories during the ceremony.    


Nu Skin is committed to provide an empowering platform to people and building an inclusive society.  No matter through our start-up opportunities or “SuperHero” platform, everyone get off at the same starting line and has same chance to make the dream come true. 


“SuperHero Dream Program 2018” is a social project incorporating innovation and diversity with the theme of “Pursuing Your Dream to Discover the Best You”.  It will call for dream proposals from the youth, children and people of difference across Hong Kong and select them to be the “SuperHero”.  At the same time, Nu Skin volunteers will act as the “Dream Mentor” to provide support, encouragement and guidance to them, helping them to discover a better self when pursuing dream.  Ten finalists will be chosen by the professional judge panel, awarded a fixed amount of sponsorship and have their dream stories shared in the award ceremony.


Let’s contribute our force for good to inspire more people to break through their limits and be the dream pursuers!
