NU SKIN invites partners to send loving hearts with joint efforts to support EB angel Liu Pei-jing in New Talent Illustrator Contest with actions

September 19, 2014


Liu Pei-jing was born with the rare inherited disorder "hereditary epidermolysis bullosa" (EB), which is commonly known as "butterfly children". EB patients suffer from blisters or blood blisters wherever there are mucous membranes inside and outside of the body. The physical pains and mental suffering follow EB patients in their daily life like a shadow. Pei-jing used to think of giving up her life because of these pains. With the love of her family and the company of painting, Pei-jing gradually got through the valley of her life and comprehended the goodness of life. Even though when she tries to paint, Pei-jing often gets hurt due to the pulling or dragging of wounds and when she tries to open paint cans, it may cause blisters to the extent that she cannot squeeze the paint out, Pei-jing never becomes dejected because of this. By combining her life with colors and graphics in her works, Pei-jing's works are the most real embodiments of her unique beautiful life.


In the face of her rare disorder, Pei-jing, who was honored with the President's Education Award, said, "In addition to willpower, the reason for me to live is ‘full of love'. I really hope I can constantly pass on the beautiful colors and life stories with my works." The encouragement of her family and friends is the biggest driving force for her to move forward to pursue her dreams. NU SKIN has given Pei-jing support and product sponsorship for a long time. In 2008, Pei-jing was invited to 2008 NU SKIN Global Convention held in United States to give a performance and sell her paintings for charity. Since then, Pei-jing has made many other touching piano performances and life sharing speeches one after another.


NU SKIN has sponsored the Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders for over 15 years. NU SKIN has not only provided EB patients with products for nutritional supplementation, but also offered EB patients a chance to travel around every year through the patronage of NU SKIN partners since 2004. With the joint support of NU SKIN partners, EB patients have been able to demonstrate their persistent vitality and the influence of NU SKIN's Force for Good continues to extend. We invite all partners to support "Ai-xian-mei" (love for beauty of defect) illustration works with actions to allow the world to see the beauty of Pei-jing's life.


Step 1: Send hearts to Pei-jing
On the website of the 2nd New Talent Illustrator Contest – Happy Illustrator Island, search 「愛陷美」, click and select the picture below to send hearts to Pei-jing.


Step 2: Join FB Fans Club of "EB Angel Liu Pei-jing"